Downtown Penthouse
One arrives onto this terrace via steppingstones emersed within a greenroof carpet. The remaining terrace, paved in limestone is surrounded by an evergreen Buxus hedge and is intentionally split into two levels. The lower protected outdoor dining space with a custom grill cabinet, is surrounded by lush perennial plantings including Lupine Baptisia and Agastache. An elevated lounging area was created to capture iconic downtown views with Hawthorn trees creating a canopy to escape the midday sun.
This expansive outdoor space in the heart of Tribeca presented a challenging existing condition; the terrace was encompassed by a 6ft high parapet wall with several vents and cumbersome steel girders projecting out onto the terrace. The design process then became an exercise in how best to create usable space and gain access to views while at the same time screening the architectural infrastructure.
“I had the extraordinary experience of living with a garden designed by Harrison Green, so when asked by my clients who should design their gardens, Harrison Green was my only recommendation.”
Project Credits
Monique Gibson Interior Designer
Autun General Contractor
Nicholas Calcott Photographer